Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I'm going to try this again, for the what?....Fourth time.  Only this time I'm not going to tell anyone about it until I'm sure I'm going to keep up on it.  My friend Sarah, has inspired me to give this a "Go" again.  She's done Project 365 for the last two years now and I'm kicking myself for not having done it.  Jeff even bought me a new pocket-size camera last Christmas (2010) to make it easier for me.  So now with my new laptop and a camera and two beautiful little boys to capture memories with and one wonderful life I feel like there is no time like the present.

Other than Sarah, my other inspirations have been some of the blogs I read on a daily basis Ruffling Feathers, Dear Lizzy, Sunny Side Up, and NieNie Dialogues.  These ladies all do such a great job of capturing daily family life and I'd like to do the same.  They are always good for some insight, a giggle and/or a good cry.

So here it goes.  My first new picture on my hopefully new, fully updated blog.  I'll be back later to work on the header after I teach myself a few new things.  Hope to see you checking in soon.

This picture was taken by Andrea Ortiz at After The Stork Photography.  Love the photos she took of my family.  I couldn't wait to share them with everyone.